.. highlight:: none ``knsec3hash`` – NSEC hash computation utility ============================================== Synopsis -------- :program:`knsec3hash` *salt* *algorithm* *iterations* *name* :program:`knsec3hash` *algorithm* *flags* *iterations* *salt* *name* :program:`knsec3hash` [*-h*] [*-V*] Description ----------- This utility generates a NSEC3 hash for a given domain name and parameters of NSEC3 hash. Parameters .......... *salt* Specifies a binary salt encoded as a hexadecimal string. *algorithm* Specifies a hashing algorithm by number. Currently, the only supported algorithm is SHA-1 (number 1). *iterations* Specifies the number of additional iterations of the hashing algorithm. *name* Specifies the domain name to be hashed. *flags* Specifies NSEC3 flags as an unsigned integer. Options ....... **-h**, **--help** Print the program help. **-V**, **--version** Print the program version. The option **-VV** makes the program print the compile time configuration summary. Exit values ----------- Exit status of 0 means successful operation. Any other exit status indicates an error. Examples -------- :: $ knsec3hash 1 0 10 c01dcafe knot-dns.cz 7PTVGE7QV67EM61ROS9238P5RAKR2DM7 (salt=c01dcafe, hash=1, iterations=10) :: $ knsec3hash - 1 0 net A1RT98BS5QGC9NFI51S9HCI47ULJG6JH (salt=-, hash=1, iterations=0) See Also -------- :rfc:`5155` – DNS Security (DNSSEC) Hashed Authenticated Denial of Existence. :manpage:`knotc(8)`, :manpage:`knotd(8)`.